





The Netherlands

Mrs. Margriet van Schijndel

+31 40 2473102



TU/e is ranked as a top Technical University in Europe, providing higher education to ± 13.000 students, publishing over 5000 articles and 40 patents annually. TU/e is a research driven university where its innovation and application in high tech systems is embedded in the strong industrial region of Brainport.

Mobility is a prerequisite for a healthy economy and sustainable society. However, our current mobility system is far from sustainable. Pollution, noise, congestion, inefficient use of public space and high accidents rates are drastically impacting on the economy and our well-being. At TU/e we believe that a future fully sustainable mobility system is possible and within reach. Our team on mobility research, with students and over 300 researchers, is committed to accelerate the transition to a sustainable mobility system; towards mobility that is safe and clean and that minimizes the use of scarce (urban) space. Mobility that is accessible to all at reasonable cost. Solutions that are being researched are both in-vehicle ones as well as ones outside the vehicle.

With increasing digitalisation, vehicle performance will be greatly improved by innovations in the areas of electronics, software systems and data intelligence. An increasing volume of mobility data will lead to an exponential growth in smart mobility solutions. But smart design of urban areas - empowering slower mobility options such as walking and cycling - will also boost enhanced mobility. Nine departments cooperate in high tech innovations. Together, they offer a unique multi-disciplinary system-oriented 3-year Bachelor (>250 students) and a 2-year Master of Science program Automotive Technology (>150 students).

Core business in R&D: • autonomous driving • battery storage • combustion technology • electrical components • energy management • high-tech automotive materials • hydrogen storage • powertrains • vehicle dynamics

Participation in EU Projects and International Activities

AITHENA; AI-based CCAM: Trustworthy, Explainable, and Accountable

MODI; A leap towards SAE L4 automated driving features

SELFY; SELF assessment, protection & healing tools for a trustworthY and resilient CCAM

EdgeAI; Edge AI Technologies for Optimised Performance Embedded Processing

Safe-Up; proactive SAFEty systems and tools for a constantly UPgrading road environment

LONGRUN; Heavy duty vehicles, environmental friendly fuels and powertrains

AUTODRIVE: Fail-safe electronics for automated driving

HiFi Elements: High Fidelity Electric Modelling and Testing

EIT Urban Mobility

Member of the Partnerships 2Zero, CCAM and ADRA

Leading the national multidisciplinary project NEON (https://neonresearch.nl), on interrelated societal challenges: climate action, renewable energy, and mobility

TU/e is a founding member of the national Battery Competence Cluster (https://batterycompetencecluster.nl/en/)