Two weeks ago, EARPA had an exhibition stand at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) conference in Dublin (15 – 18 April 2024). Under the with theme “Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility, the 2024 edition of the event attracted over 4000 attendees from across the transport research sector.
We had the opportunity spread awareness about our community of leading European independent R&D providers in the automotive sector too. At the stand, we showcased project videos which EARPA Members have been working on, as well as our 2024 Partners Guide and High-Level Position.

Many of our members were actively involved in many sessions at the Transport Research Arena (TRA), either moderating or presenting.
TRA offers a great opportunity for researchers, policymakers and industry representatives to get together and contribute to the discussion on how research and innovation can reshape the transport and mobility system. The conference provides a unique opportunity to hear about mobility trends in different parts of Europe, learn from achievements in the industry as well as share best practices of policies and implementation.
The next TRA will take place in Budapest, Hungary in 2026.
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While the report makes some proposals towards a future Framework Programme, it may need some further consideration and refinement prior to implementation. We strongly advise that the report’s recommendations on the future relevance and governance of Pillar 2 should be approached with caution.
The international jury panel contributing to the 2024-edition was made up of many EARPA members. EARPA's collaboration reflects our shared commitment to fostering innovation and driving the automotive industry forward.
EARPA's Autumn Meeting 2024 (30 September – 1 October 2024), attracted over 200 attendees, which included EARPA Members and other professionals from the European road mobility and automotive sector.