December 19, 2024

EARPA’s reflection on the Heitor Report

The EARPA Executive Board has recently discussed our perspective on the Heitor Report, “Align Act Accelerate: Research, Technology, and Innovation to Boost European Competitiveness”.

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the European Research and Development Framework Programme, effectively outlining strengths and shortcomings within its vast landscape. It offers twelve high-level recommendations aimed at enhancing the programme’s positive impact, and this is an effort that we commend and appreciate.

While the report makes some proposals towards a future Framework Programme, it may need some further consideration and refinement prior to implementation. We strongly advise that the report’s recommendations on the future relevance and governance of Pillar 2 should be approached with caution.

Following much discussion, the Executive Board felt that a reaction was needed on behalf of EARPA in response to this report. To voice our perspective, the Executive Board has prepared the attached open letter: EARPA’s reflection on the Heitor Report, “Align Act Accelerate. Research, Technology and Innovation to boost European Competitiveness”.

 EARPA encourages careful consideration of the risks associated with shifting the focus of Pillar 2 away from pre-competitive research, as mentioned in the Heitor analysis. We emphasise the critical role of Pillar 2 in fostering pre-competitive research.

 EARPA looks forward to engaging with European Institutions and policy makers in a constructive dialogue, to further elaborate on its perspectives on a future Framework Programme enriched with concrete measures on how beneficial reforms can be introduced. Reinforcing a strategy that unites Europe’s best capabilities across academia, research, and industry is essential for the future of a Union that deploys its full potential as a driver of innovation, competitiveness, and shared prosperity.

We encourage you to share this open letter widely with your network to raise awareness about our reflection on this report.


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